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Deal ends Aug 12.
Automatic Sensing: It will lights up when you get within 2 meter of the detection range and will go out in 15 seconds after walking out of its sensing range.
Simple Installation: With an adhesive tape on the detachable magnetic strip, it is easy to attach to the smooth surface. No tools, screws or nuts are required!
Battery Operated: Powered by 4pcs AAA batteries(NOT INCLUDED), it works day & night and provides excellent illumination.
Fashion Decoration: Bright enough to guide you indoor and outdoor. 10-LED light with sensitive motion detector is portable, energy-saving and environmental-friendly. It's really great for your closet, cabinet, bedroom, bathroom, garden, etc. No Wiring Required!
100% Satisfaction Guarantee: Your satisfaction is our guarantee, if you aren't happy with your light for ANY reason, let us know and you get your money back. That is how confident we are that you will LOVE your motion sensing closet light.