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Deal ends Aug 19.
★ Safe, environmental protection, energy saving, high brightness and long lifespan for high quality LED source
★ 8 Working Mode: Combination, Waves change, Sequential, Slo-glo, Chasing/Flash, Slow Fade, Twinkle/Flashing, Steady On
★ US standard plug, Male and Female wire can be connected in series for long distance
★ This fairy mesh light can be widely used indoor or outdoor, be put on the wall, window, floor, balcony, background, hung on the backdrop or stage drapes, the bedroom, concert, club, hotel, dancing hall, fashion show, garden, patio, backyard and other occasion
★ You will be amazed by this novelty and blinking string night light. It will decorate a romantic and cozy environment for your loved at Valentine's Day, Festival, Halloween, Easter day, Summer bank holiday, Boxing day