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Deal ends Aug 19.
Dual purposes: LED light when lifting and bright flashlight when completely collapsed.
Lightest and most portable collapsible Led lantern: at just 2 inches tall when collapsed and 3.5 inches diameter, only 4 ounces.As mini and light as you want. The light is 2 inches tall when collapsed and 3.5 inches diameter. But the small body is with strong light and great functions
3 modes for this emergency lantern: strong, weak and strobe with only 3 AA batteries. You can get 30 lumen strong light for up to 15 hours in average(upon different battery quality), 15 lumen weak light for up to 30 hours in average, 23 hours in strobe.
Easy to take with for any occasion, say, hiking, camping, homeliving or any other activities.
This lamp works as an emergency light when in danger or in urgent even if in the rain. It does not require battery and can be set on the ground, in the tent or anywhere. You can also use it in the rain.