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Deal ends Aug 24.
SOFT, ERGONOMIC COZY FIT - can be worn under a helmet or by itself (best for Motorcycling, Biking, Skiing, Snowboarding, Hiking, Skydiving, Running, Hunting, Camping, Fishing, Paintball, and Working Ouside)
HINGED DESIGN - An all in one, full head, face and neck protector. Balaclava worn in the following styles: open or closed balaclava, hat, scarf/neck tube, face mask.
HIGHLY BREATHABLE 4 way stretch material, One size fits most (may not fit children)
LIFETIME WARRANTY - And For a Limited Time receive a FREE GIFT - a digital copy of "Your Life, Your Terms" The Steps Canadians Are Taking To Live Life On Their Terms Book ($22.95 value)
SUPER ROUBAIX FABRIC - extremely strong and durable, fully breathable, wicks away moisture and reduces sweat buildup