• Amazon offers Peakeep Compact Digital FM Alarm Clock Radio with Dual Alarm, Snooze, Sleep Timer and Battery Backu for $15.99 $9.99.
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  • Dual Alarm Clock Radio--Dual Alarm Wake to buzzer or radio. Buzzer alarm starts off and stays at average volume. Radio alarm with adjustable 16 level volume and stays at the setting you like. Enjoy your favorite stations such as music, stories, morning talking, podcast, weather forecast, traffic etc.
  • Digital FM Radio Clock--10 FM radio stations preset and storage. There's a digital scrolling tuner helping automatically scan for radio stations and quickly locate a strong signal radio station. Then you may get easy access to store it as your favorite station. FM 87.5-109.0MHz
  • Nice Red Time Display--Red LED display without blink makes time easy to view in full view and is gentle on eyes at night. And it's 12-hour clock radio.
  • Intuitive Independent Buttons--the buttons are intuitively marked, one button with only two functions, easy access to complete all settings and achieve stored stations, snooze, radio sleep timer, alarm off etc.
  • AC powered for functions of radio, alarm and time display. Two AAA 1.5V batteries(not included) are required to ensure memorization of all settings that you don't need to re-set radio, alarm, time when power outages. Also, there's an independent 30 inch antenna can extend or move to more proper place for excellent radio reception.

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