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Deal ends Aug 22.
ELIMINATES ALL TYPES OF RODENTS & INSECTS - Protect your home from unwanted pests without using dangerous chemicals, sprays or traps that can harm you, your family, your plants and animals. Works for Rats, Mice, Ants, Roaches, Spiders, Bugs, Fleas, Bats and much more / Very easy to use; simply plug the device into your socket and watch your home become completely free of all pests, rodents and insects. No messy chemicals or pesticides, no traps and completely silent for humans and home pets.
ELECTROMAGNETIC TECHNOLOGY - Emits ultra-powerful deep penetrating electromagnetic waves which prevents insects and pests from entering your home. It also disturbs existing rodent and insect nests; causing all pests to leave your walls and home.
MULTI- FREQUENCY ULTRASONIC WAVES - Features a mix of highly-effective ultrasonic frequencies, being extremely irritating to rodents and insects thus causing them to scramble to find a peaceful area, and will be forced to leave your home.
100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE - Extremely effective in ridding your home from all insects and rodents, and will protect your home and family from having annoying pests constantly trying to take shelter in your home. / Upgraded version features enhanced components for top performance.
COVERAGE AREA - Effective for an area up to 5,000 Sq. Ft. However ultrasonic sound cannot go around corners or penetrate hard surfaces like furniture, cabinets, walls, or ceilings. You will need one unit for each room where you have a rodent or insect problem. / Features also a soothing blue LED night light with on/off switch. / Package includes 2 pest repeller units.