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Deal ends Aug 23.
Standard Quality:Made of FOOD GRADE 18/8(SUS304) sturdy stainless steel used throughout!No matter how long you have it there is no way that it will rust or lose its shine!Amazing tools!if you are a coffee lover,or know someone who is,GET THIS!This is great for you or your coffee lover for home or travel
Good Stability and Widely Used:The removable stand has a protective rubber edge on the base which keeps it secure on your mug while you brew.This stable cup stand makes it easy to operate and very convenient to store this coffee dripper when not in use.Also specially designed to fit most cups, mugs and pots nicely.It also allow you to grab the handle without burning your fingers
Large Capacity:The diameter of this coffee maker is 4.9 inches.The capacity is enough if you are making coffee for three or four people.It is perfect to use when you travel,whether it be on vacation in a hotel or while camping, hiking or enjoying other outdoor activities.The scoop with bag clamp is also great for measuring your coffee and keeping the beans in the bag fresh
2 Layer Filtration and Reusable:Filter within a filter.The inner mesh is stainless steel yarn net,can filter about 99.9% fine grounds residue;The outer net is stainless steel round hole net,combined with the inner net,will filter the coffee grounds more effectively.The double layer stainless steel filter is reusable and built to last,will be used over and over again.The stainless steel pour over cone is definitely eco-friendly and a great substitute for paper filters
Easy to Clean:This stainless steel coffee filter is easy to clean by hand and is dishwasher safe.The cone separates from the stand conveniently and is easy to clean in an instant and is ready for the next use in no time