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Deal ends Aug 24.
2 LIVE CATCH TRAPS for mice, chipmunks, ground squirrels, shrews and voles. NOT for tree squirrels or rats. Protect your home, protect your garden and flower beds, protect your bird feeders
HUMANE & REUSABLE TRAPS THAT ARE MULTI CATCH FOR MICE and are twice bigger than typical mouse cubes. Come with double steel doors, allowing you to catch rodents from both directions
EASY TO USE - NO SNAPS, NO PINCHED FINGERS, NO MESS, NO TOUCH - releasing the rodent is easier than you think: tip the trap upside down and slide the critter out of the box to release. Catch small rodents the safe and easy way
CLEAR DESIGN makes it super simple for you to check if you've caught anything, and the no-tip extended edges allow you to weigh down the trap so large critters don't tip it over or escape like other traps
NO KILL, LIVE CATCH, NO LETHAL POISON, CHILD SAFE - Grandpa Gus' MADE IN THE USA Critter Catcher is the perfect solution for the person who wants to control rodents without creating a deadly mess or spreading killer poison or repellents. KNOW FOR SURE you've caught the critter when you see him in this trap, and "dump the little varmint" so he can run free after he's out of your space