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SUPERIOR VALUE FOR PRICE for The Sapores MelonEssentials: 1 Melon cutter, slicer, corer and server knife + 1 Melon baller scoop + Bonus 5 Fruit forks + Bonus 1 The Sapores storage pouch as of June 23rd 2016. All made from stainless steel and BPA free plastic
SAVE YOUR TIME: Use the same tool to significantly reduce time to slice & serve your next watermelon. Cut watermelon into even slices or cubes using the wire blade and then flip slicer over to turn it into a server/tong
EASY TO USE & CLEAN: The ergonomic designed handle allows for a comfortable and firm grip and the sharp blades make cuttig through melons effortless with little to no wastage. Dishwasher safe. No sticky juice on countertops, as the excess juice simply accumulates in the rind
WOW YOUR FAMILY & GUESTS: Use the MelonEssentials to make your very own "edible arrangements" and delicious fruit salads for your family or for parties and bbqs.
LEAD A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: The melon essential tools make it that much easier to get in your daily servings of fruits to help you lead a healthy lifestyle