• Amazon offers Etekcity Flashing Hair Lights, LED Fiber Optic Light Up Hair Extensions with Barrettes for Party Favors (15 Pack) for $11.99 $8.99.
  • Ends in 01h 13m 01s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $11.99 FREE Shipping on orders over $35. FREE Shipping on orders over $35. They work great! I got these as a bundle and they work Kids love them. They don't last all that long, but I didn't expect them to. Ohhhhhhmade my granddaughters think these are the greatest Little flimsy, some work some didn't but majority of them did. Used for a party and girls seemed to like them. My daughter loved these for her 12th birthday glow party 2 out of 15 DOA (casing cracked). Very Cool affect, Little bulky but fun MY DAUGHTER GOT DRESSED UP AS A CRAYON BOX. I CLIPPED THESE TO HER HEADBAND FOR SOME EXTRA RADIANCE...
  • Deal ends May 01.

  • Changing colors Flashing LED braids hair extensions for adding an extra flair to the night
  • Can be cut to match natural hair length
  • Uses two replaceable batteries that can be hidden under your hair for ultimate convenience
  • Easy and quick to click on and off of hair, backpack, purse, or clothing
  • Great for dance parties, night clubs, and events

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