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Deal ends Aug 12.
2 Million Pixels CMOS camera, capturing images and recording videos in high definition,allowing you see the objects in vivid details. Resolution up to 1280 x 720.
With the help of the 6 adjustable led light on camera head, it improves the visibility in low light or dark areas, allowing you to work much better.
Waterproof camera is with 8.5mm camera head, use this inspection camera almost everywhere. You can observe under water, gaps ,holes and hard-to-reach or hard-to-see area.
Compatible with USB powered device, computer and laptop(only windows XP/7/8/10), or android smart phone by using extra micro USB adapter, please note, only support Android 4.4-5.5 system with OTG and UVC function.
Multi applications, HVAC inspection, vent pipe, machine equipment, engine, automotive, boat, aircraft inspection, hard-to-reach or hard-to-see areas inspection. Also can be used for ear,nose & throat treatment,but not intended for medical use,please kindly note about this.