• Amazon offers Hippih Sensor Smart Oversized Backlit Digital Display Intelligent Alarm Clock with Date and Temperature for $11.99 $9.99.
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  • Deal ends Sep 08.

  • Clock doesn't light up in the day time or room is bright enough. When room's dark, sensor light enables clock to automatically give off soft lights, which is perfect at night; Sensor light can also be close, and please simply press SNOOZE/LIGHT when you're in need.
  • Modern contemporary designed clock suitable for your bedroom or around the home and office
  • 4.4" x 2" large display and big numbers. Shell Material: Plastic. Led Light Color: white.
  • Multifunctional: It displays Time (12/24H), Calendar (MM/DD), Temperature(C/F) and also has alarm and snooze function
  • Power Source:3 AAA Battery(Not included).No Radio Function

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