• Amazon offers Kids Drawing Board,Magnetic Writing Sketch Board Pad Erasable Magna Doodle for $21.99 $17.58.
  • Ends in 04h 23m 11s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $21.99 FREE Shipping on orders over $35. FREE Shipping on orders over $35. Product is as promised. My son loves it, Solid would purchase again as a gift Very cheap plastic!!!! Very cheaply put together. It takes three to four slides to clear the screen. But my child still loves it Cheaper quality holder and the animals don't work well but my son loves drawing on it with the pen. The colored writing is nice It's bigger so kids have enough room to draw. It's made of plastic and is light. The screen is not really ink base and I'm bummed coz I thought it is and it is not that clear. So far, so good. My niece was playing with it the moment my sister opened the box. She loves it.!!!! nice product, light additional "items" with built in "docking" areas easy to use, 3 years and older My kiddo loves this.so far, pretty durable. the picture shows a yellow button on the board near the handle which is supposed to play music but mine didn't come with the music. This is cheap. -The stamps don't stay clipped in - stamps don't really show up well -It's very hard to slide the eraser back and forth -Doesn't erase well no...
  • Deal ends Mar 27.

  • UNBREAKABLE-made of durable and long lasting plastic,Meme magnetic drawing board have been through Break-Resistant test, the doodle pad is quite sturdy even for toddler likes stomping and walking on it and it still works like a charm! well-made ,the doodle board cutting have very "finished" smooth edges in result in no scratch injure for kids hand
  • multiple colors-the doodle pro magnet screen is made up of 8 color area, green, yellow, red and blue,each color has its own one eighth of the board ;each color board give a larger dimension and the whole size of magnet drawing area is 245*155mm which allow children more creative drawing,doodle,sketch
  • Write Smoothly& Lifelike image-The magnetic pen create nice, solid lines without gaps when writing between the colors, as did the stamps. The magnets on the stamps were the perfect strength and created crisp outlines to the shapes, inspire toddlers' imagnation of writing skills
  • Easy to swipe clean- the slider eraser goes smoothly , not easy to get jammed;The swipe eraser located at the bottom of the doodler was very effective at removing the drawings after just one swipe back and forth.
  • Portable and More Convenient- Meme sketch board is lightweight and built in handle which can be easily carried every where inside the house or outdoor

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