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Deal ends Aug 23.
4 in 1 SHARPENER FITS ALL YOUR NEED, bring your dullest knives and scissors (such as kitchen knives, steak knives, pruning shears, meat cleavers, bread knives and more ) back to a razor-sharp state within seconds.
PROFESSIONAL SHARPENING - Stage 1( tungsten carbide rod ) for scissors and pruning shears sharpening; stage 2-3-4 ( Hard diamond, superior tungsten carbide steel, Fine ceramic electroplated rod ) for knife sharpening and perfect results. Precision sharpening angle, without professional technology, easy to restore your knife and scissors with minimum effort.
THE SUPERIOR MATERIALS AND A SOLID DESIGN, destine to be durable, it will give you many years of great service and will not fall apart even when dropped onto a hard surface, all you will be satisfaction or back your money.
Beautiful and ergonomical handle built with rubber that it is comfortable to use, and the skid-resistant base ensure you are in full control of your knife sharpening at all times.
FAST AND EFFICIENT, Sure it is a great product - - Prepare, Sharpen, then Hone, within seconds, Bring your dullest knives and scissors to a perfect sharp result.