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Deal ends Sep 01.
Take all your essentials with you and have some fun under the sun with this large tote. When you have all your beach necessities packed for the family it helps you enjoy more without the hassles.
Made from a combination of terry cloth and canvas material to hold everything that you need to take to the beach. It is also washable and quick to dry so you won't have to worry about the sand sticking on your bag.
It comes with a trendy braided top handle that can easily be worn on your shoulder and a nylon zip closure for easy access to all your things while keeping the sands from getting inside your belongings.
Add a splash of color to any outfit with a variety of funky color combinations. It's spacious, measures 44x34x11cm, well-made and very convenient. With its roomy, low maintenance style and simple design, this is a perfect accessory for any beach getaway.
Throw everything in and head off for that ultimate summer relaxation with your whole family! Get this bag at no risk. Love it or get your money back 100%. Order yours today!