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Deal ends Aug 28.
BUY WITH CONFIDENCE - Don't settle for cheap alternatives that skimp on quality and don't come with warranties. We've worked hard to ensure that our Air Hammocks are built to last - and we back them up with a one year warranty against manfacturing defects. We're a USA based small busines that's committed to supporting our customers.
PORTABLE & LIGHTWEIGHT - Got a family outing, concert, festival, beach, or camping trip coming up? Weighing in at just 1.5kg and measuring 15 inches X 10 inches in its carry bag, the EcoTek Air Hammock is light and compact enough to take just about anywhere! Each one comes with it's own carry bag with shoulder strap, high-quality aluminum alloy stake for securing to the ground, illustrated inflation guide, and premium elastic drink, phone, and book pockets.
ULTIMATE COMFORT - You'll never want to lay on your couch again once you try the EcoTek Air Hammock! Fully inflated, it's over 6 feet long, making it a perfect fit for all shapes and sizes. Its stable and ergonomic design will keep you comfy whether you're laying down to relax or sitting up to hang out with friends.
DURABLE - Made of premium 210 thread count ripstop nylon and a replaceable liner to ensure a long lasting product. The heavy duty locking side-release buckle will ensure your Air Hammock stays secure while you lounge. The EcoTek Air Hammock can hold over 400 pounds!
PLANT A TREE - You won't need a tree to use your Air Hammock, but thanks to you we'll be planting one! In support of our mission, EcoTek Outdoors has partnered with the National Forest Foundation in an effort to preserve and protect our lands for future generations. Each Air Hammock purchased will fund the planting of one tree to restore US National Forests damaged by wildfire, insects, disease and other impacts.