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Deal ends Aug 16.
FRIENDLY MATERIALS:¡¤Environment friendly resistant PVC waterproof on the bottom,stable Oxford cloth on the othersite,easy to suitable any outdoor activities.
BIG SIZE FOR FAMILY:Folds out to 11IN*7.8IN*2IN and folds to 57IN*70IN*0.6IN,make you and your family easily enjoy indoor/outdoor activities,barrier sand and grass hurt your body.
EASY WASHABLE:in Glass or Picnic use, you just shake off the sand on top easily ,with water and soap can wiped off grass or stain!
CONVENIENT TRANSPORT:Built inside handles and the Velcro for you.Fold it back up, secure it with the hook and loop flap and use the straps to carry it back to your home or car and it no waste space.
MULTIPURPOSE:Excellent partner to family Traveling, Camping, Hiking,Beach ,a Children Play Mat,and other outdoor sports evens.