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Deal ends Aug 14.
SMART & FAST BATTERY CHARGER: Lumsing Smart Charging Technology maintains constant communication between the charger and the device, and delivers the most suitable current (up to 2.1 amps) for optimum, high-speed charging.
SMALL BODY BIG CAPACITY: This mini-sized battery pack easily fits into any evening bag or jacket pocket. With 6700mAh capacity it can charge an iPhone 6S three times, a Galaxy S6 two and a half times, and an iPad Mini2 once.
POWERFUL & SOLID BUILD: The LG Grade-A cells ensure reliability and safety. Two layers of internal structure protect the batteries from damage due to being hit, dropped or crushed.
SMOOTH & STURDY MECHANICAL DESIGN: Assembled with a highly-polished aluminum case with no rough edges. To activate the LED flashlight, hold the power button for 3 seconds.