• Amazon offers Aprince Silicone Baking Mat Set (2) / Non-Stick Cookie Sheet (Silicone Mat 5) for $14.99 $10.60.
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  • Deal ends Aug 24.

  • HIGHEST QUALITY BAKE WARE SET: Premium nonstick silicone baking mat, Best in class quality, reusable over 4000 times! Fits perfectly in a half sheet sized baking pan 29.5cm x 42cm. A wonderful gift idea for the holiday season!
  • SAFETY and QUALITY: Professional Grade. Non-toxic, BPA free, eco-friendly, and odorless. Flavors or odors will not permeate this baking mat. Everything cooks evenly without uneven browning. Food comes out delicious every time. Great reviews from chefs worldwide!
  • DURABLE and LONG LASTING: Aprince silicone baking mats can be used thousands of times! Heat-resistant performance in temperatures from -40 to 530 degrees Fahrenheit. Microwave, Oven, and Freezer safe. Use as a cookie sheet liner, pastry mat, or just for rolling dough. Makes for a great wedding / birthday / anniversary present. Very kid- friendly too. A secret tool for every kitchen!
  • VERSATILITY: Bake anything on it! Popular recipes include hot sugar cookies, peanut butter candy bars, cookie dough brownies, rum-scented marble cake, red velvet chocolate chip cookies, croissants, bread, pizza, black forest and pink sugar cookies, macaroons, meringues, fish, meats, garlic chicken, poultry, and vegetables.
  • FAST CLEANUP: Just wash with warm, soapy water and air dry. The days of messy cleanups are over. All your baking sheets will be clean!

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