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Deal ends Aug 16.
No FAA Registration: this quadcopter doesn't require a FAA registration - Excellent for beginners and hobby users.
Better responsive control, flying experience and controlling feeling. 360°roll with one key, continuous roll for perfect action and wonderful performance. Using spread spectrum technology for further distance, best anti-interference ability, least power consumption.
High Quality Camera: enjoy good quality images and videos during flight with its 2 megapixels camera.
6 Axis: for precise hovering in the sky, ultra-stable and reliable flight characteristics right out of the box.
What You Get: Potensic 1-Year Limited Warranty, Upgraded Syma X5C-1 Quadcopter, 2.4GHz Transmitter, Carrying Case, (4) Li-Po Batteries, (2) Spare Motors, (2) Landing Skids, 4GB Micro SD Card, USB Card Reader, USB Charging Cable, Battery Charger, (4) Extra Blades, User Manual.