• Amazon offers Bed Sheet Bedding Set, 100% Soft Brushed Microfiber with Deep Pocket Fitted Sheet, 1800 Luxury Bedding Collection, Hypoallergenic & Wrinkle Free Bedroom Linen Set for $30.09 $23.99.
  • Ends in 02h 34m 30s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $30.09 FREE Shipping on orders over $35. FREE Shipping on orders over $35. Very soft sheets. They feel way more expensive than they cost. They are soft and withstand washing well. And you can't beat the price. We purchased a split King bed and it arrives tomorrow so we cannot say how the sheets will hold up. So far, we washed them in cold water, dried on low and they seem fine. very comfortable item as and shipping as described Love these sheets! Arrive early, extra soft, super colors, great quality, way worth more then what they charge but I like being able to find awesome quality sheets with out... When I received the sheet set I was a little worried because they seemed stiff. I washed them as I wash all new things and wow. They are so soft and comfortable. I am in love with these sheets! Super soft and smooth and comfy. Great product that arrived on time! So soft and comfortable Absolutely Amazing!!! Very soft. true to description.
  • Deal ends Mar 30.

  • THE ULTIMATE BEST BEDDING BRAND ON AMAZON - Nestl bedding is highly committed to its customers, we stand behind our product and customers. Our ultimate goal is to satisfy each and every customer, from the moment you purchase our products throughout its lifetime. With over 40 years of experience in the textile industry, constantly listening to our customers needs, we are pleased to offer you the best quality microfiber bed sheets set on Amazon.
  • HIGHEST QUALITY - This bed sheet set is made of the best quality microfiber materials, double brushed on both sides to increase ultimate luxury and softness. With years of experience, we understand that to be comfortable in bed is very important to create a pleasant, calm, and peaceful night sleep. That's why we created this perfect Bed Sheets Set, that is super soft, luxury to the touch, cool and breathable you should be able to have the best night experience ever.
  • QUEEN SIZE LUXURY 4 PIECE BED SHEETS SET, WITH EXTRA DEEP POCKETS - Set Includes; 1 flat sheet 102"x90", 1 fitted sheet 80"x60", 2 pillowcases 20"x30". Deep pocket fitted sheet for deep mattress of 14" to 18" inches, with an elastic all around the sheet. Pure luxury hotel spa like feel.
  • SPECIAL EASY CARE AND SUPER COOL. - Fade, stain, shrink and wrinkle resistant. Machine washable in cold, dries quickly on tumble dry low temperature. Tip: Remove promptly from dryer, place right away on bed, it will look beautiful and neat, like ironed sheets. Additional benefits you can expect with this set: Hypoallergenic, anti-bacterial, environmental friendly and resistant to dust mites.
  • 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE - With purchasing our Nestl Bedding Products, you become a part of our family and you are automatically enrolled in our 100% satisfaction guarantee program. Our #1 goal is to find you top quality deals, at great discounted low prices, and to provide you with the ultimate best customer service in the world. Shop happy & confident with our 100% money-back guarantee, you deserve it!

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