Newegg offers the open-box 4.9-lb.
Asus Intel Broadwell Core i5 2.2GHz 15.6" Laptop, model no. F554LA-NH51, for
$279.99 plus
$2.99 for
shipping. That's $33 under our Black Friday mention of a new unit and the lowest total price we've seen for an Asus Broadwell Core i5 laptop with a 720p display. (It's also $134 under the cost of a new unit today.) Features include an Intel Core i5-5200U 2.2GHz Broadwell dual-core processor, 15.6" 1366x768 display, 4GB RAM, 500GB hard drive, DVD burner, 802.11n wireless, Bluetooth 4.0, and Windows 10 64-bit.
Of note, warranty information is unclear.