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Deal ends Aug 20.
× BEWARE! Competitors are flooding the market with cheap copies of the Nordic Flash™ design that will jeopardize your device's safety in the water. These products are made from inferior materials with poor quality connectors, allowing your camera to sink to ocean floor, costing you hundreds of dollars. ✔When you buy from Nordic Flash™ you can rest assured that you're getting genuine, best-in-class products. ✔
Use a camera float - Don't lose your camera when swimming or snorkeling, this is a cheap insurance!
Easy to spot bright marine-yellow fabric, made of soft foam-filled neoprene - Comfortable floating strap that easily slips onto your wrist
This listing is for 2 (two) floating straps that fit most waterproof digital cameras and binoculars (camera/binoculars not included in the listing)
Each strap is made to float waterproof cameras up to 7 ounces/200grams