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Deal ends Aug 20.
• This 3-in-1 play tent incorporates a triangular tent, a tunnel tent and a square tent. Designed to be used as a single unit or as 3 separate tents, you can create a mini amusement park for your kids to have great fun.
• Extremely lightweight and portable, it can be used at home, in your backyard, public parks, or any other place you may consider convenient for your kids to enjoy quality playtime.
• Easy to assemble and dismantle, this child friendly play tent needs minimum maintenance and doesn't require too much space for storage. Conveniently included is a carrying case making it easy to transport
• Made from collapsible spring steel frame and durable polyester fabric, it withstands wear and tear, and is easy to clean
• For ages 3 and up, encourages active, imaginative play and develops motor skills