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Deal ends Aug 28.
FD and PD ADJUSTMENT: Push the button forward or backward 5mm to adjust the FD; Adjust the perfect pupil distance (PD) at a range of 55mm---75mm.
ADJUSTABLE WEARING: Humanized designed T-shaped straps make it adjustable for different people, ensuring comfortable for wearing.
3D SPLIT SCREEN MODE: In order to get a correct clear view, you need to select the "Split Screen Mode" from 3D VR contents in some specific Apps downloaded in Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
VENTILATION HOLE: Ventilation holes in front cover greatly improve the heat dissipation process.
BROAD COMPATIBILITY: Perfectly fits most Android and IOS phones with a screen size within 4.0 - 6.0 inches, such as iPhone 6s 6sPlus , Samsung Galaxy S7/S7 edge, S6/S6 edge.