• Amazon offers Surprise in the below from Makeblock - Makeblock mBot Educational Robot Kit for Kids Blue(Bluetooth Version) for $72.91 $50.99.
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  • mBot Robot Kit:mBot is an Educational kit for beginners(kid) to get hands-on experience about graphical programming, electronics and robotics. It is an all-in-one solution for robotics learning and designed for STEM education.
  • Contracted But Not Simple: Contains 38 assembly parts that can be assembled in 10 minutes and color-labeled RJ25 ports for convenient wiring, making sure more time can be spent on programming and creativity.
  • Graphical Programming: Drag-and-drop graphical programming software mBlock developed based on Scratch 2.0 provides a quick way to learn programming, control the robot, and realize multiple functions from the robot.
  • All about fun and creativity:mBot is all about fun and creativity. It comes with various basic pre-assembled options, including obstacle-avoidance car, line-following vehicle, remote control car, and can be used in multiple games like balloon bursting game, soccer playing, sumo, and etc.
  • Infinite Extensibility:The mechanical body of the mBot is compatible with Makeblock platform and most of Lego parts, while the electronic parts of it is developed based on the Arduino open source ecosystem. This makes sure that the mBot has infinite extensibility, using any mechanical parts and electronic modules you need to turn it into your "dream robot".

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