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Deal ends Aug 23.
Purchase includes 2 double sided shelves plus one sheet of 110 Shopkins Puffy Stickers
This set holds over 280 Shopkins! Each shelving unit is double sided and measures 8" high x 9" wide x 4.38" deep and weighs 1.5 lbs each!
Shelves are durable and made in the USA with heavy duty Polypropylene plastic, BPA and Lead Free! These are made to last!
Realistic store gondola shelving so your little ones can play store with their little figurines
Could also double as a display shelf to place on your child's dresser! Each shelf measures just over 1.5" of height space to merchandise their figurines! If you are using them with Shopkins, the shelf depth is 4.38" deep so it will fit 2-3 Shopkins deep. Each shelving unit is all one piece, so easy set up! No assembly required!