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Deal ends Sep 06.
Leyaron measuring coffee scoop is made of high-quality thick, heavy-duty and food grade stainless steel. No plastic attachments, No sharp edges, quite strong and will not bend easily. This coffee spoon is every coffee lover's favorite.
The endurance stainless steel tablespoon is comfortable to use. and the classic style coffee scoop features a long handle with engraved measurements on it. Easy-to-read standard and metric size markings ensure accurate measuring. Great for scooping ground coffee, cocoa, tea and even more.
The spoons total measures 6 inches long, the handles 4.33 inches Long and the diameter of spoon 1.5 inches. They are easy to storage, hole in handle for wall mounting or putting on a ring for the possibility of hanging the hooks on a wall hook for easy access; Very compact and easy to store away in the cutlery draw.
Our package comes with two durable spoons. The coffee scoops are easy to clean and dishwasher safe. Simply wipe under hot water or throw them in the dishwasher. Astonish your friends and family as this can be a perfect gift idea all year round.
LIFELONG COMMITMENT- We are so confidence with the quality of our product. But if you don't completely satisfied with this product for any reason, you can contact us for FULL REFUND after any time! And we will provide you with best customer service. Absolutely NO RISK!