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Deal ends Aug 27.
Limited Time Offer: Buy 1 Get 1 Free. (Add two S7 cases of your choice to cart and use code 2PBARS7F at checkout).
Fits perfectly to your Samsung S7 [NOT for Galaxy S7 Edge / Galaxy S7 Edge Plus]. All cutouts and buttons are precisely designed to access all your device's features.
Made up of premium quality dual layer Polycarbonate material and rubber coated silicon material. The hard polycarbonate back shell and soft Silicone cushion frames provide perfect protection against impacts and bumps without bulky weight.
Popular pattern case gives your S7 a fresh look. Anti-slip dual layer design help to protect from drops and scratches.
Screen Protector is made of ultra shock absorber film from USA. HD clear. Unlike tempered glass, it never cracks and may clean with water and reuse again. IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the round edge of S7, the screen protector will NOT cover the full screen, but only the FLAT area. We chose this design to avoid peeling off in long term use.