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Deal ends Aug 22.
2 HANDLE LEASH - This 8ft long leash has two padded handles, one padded handle on the end (8ft long) and the other 1ft from the clip. Made of extra tough nylon. Keeping your dog safe at all times
USE THE LONG LEASH for casual walks and extended sniffing - great for loose leash walking giving your dog greater freedom
USE THE SHORT LEASH for busy sidewalks, bike paths or for dogs that are 'pullers'. Easily rein the dog in while walking in populated areas where other animals and children can be unpredictable. You have instant, up-close control of your dog. Helps you control dominance and aggression
COMFORT WHEN WALKING DOG - Soft padding adds comfort for your hands. No longer will you have to wrap the leash around your hand and risk injuring yourself. Your dog can't get a running start when you're holding the short handle as their movement is limited
TOP QUALITY - Having your dog safe at all times is a must, so a strong tough lead is important and guaranteed not to break. Comfortable handles insure a pleasant walking experience, we'll even include a FREE bonus dog training secrets eBook so your walking experience will become even more pleasurable