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Deal ends Aug 25.
iPhone Car charger from Eleckey allows you to charge mobile phones, tablets, music players, etc. Enjoy your electronic devices on the trip
The Dual smart USB ports quickly and easily identify your mobile devices, to provide optimal charging efficiency automatically; FAST charging(4.8A, Total)
Potrable Travel Charger, ATTRACTIVE design with brushed ALUMINUM finish and circular blue LED light
Car charger with Universal USB ports and lightning cable, COMPATIBLE with iPhone, iPad, iPod, Samsung, HTC, MP3 players, digital cameras, and PDAs; and 3.3ft Apple MFi certified lightning cable for iPhone 6s, iPhone 6, 6 plus, iPhone 5,5s, iPad mini and More
Car charger from Eleckey is RELIABLE AND SAFE, with protections against overheating, overcurrent, and overcharging. Charging will stop automatically when battery is full;Certified by RoHS, CE, and FCC