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Deal ends Sep 08.
Something missing on your doorstep? Do you feel embarrassed living with a muddy house- no place to clean your shoes? Well there is NO MORE NEED FOR ANYMORE EMBARRASSMENTS! With Minals mark LARGE DOOR MATS measuring 45X80 cm.
Do you every find your door mats slippery or flimsy and weak or just ugly? Minals Mark door mats are DURABLE STRONG AND SLIP PROOF! notice the difference with minals mark door mats
Isn't it time you find organising the outside of your house a breeze?? Do you still find outside your house to be dull and grey? Minals Mark's door mat has flowers and neutral colours so that they are pretty yet versatile.
Fed up with footprints, and dirty paw marks on your floor and carpets?? Sick of having to clean up after muddy and dirty prints?? We Minals Mark have made this cleaning a breeze now, with our revolutionary doormats, not only are they PRETTY, CLASSY, PRACTICAL, but also a GREAT tool for wiping dirty shoes and paws to minimise dirty prints in your home!! Now you can enjoy the clean floors without having to stress about the mess!!
N.B * The door rug will come rolled up , please place a heavy item once laid flat for a few days to diminish the folds.