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Deal ends Aug 12.
TRY TO COMPARE. We re-designed our products based on our Customers' Feedback, thus the reason we are DIFFERENT than any other sets available out there that are identical. Quality, Color Combination, Length and Sizes are EXCLUSIVELY designed to meet our loyal customers demand. We focus on quality and customer satisfaction.
3 HIGH QUALITY HOOKS. We added new popular size on our collection 6.5mm aka K. We also added length on our hooks to allow more yarn loops when the pattern calls for it. Lightweight aluminum, color coded with mm sizes engraved in the handle. Smooth surface to allow yarn to glide freely. Exclusive ONLY from Athena's Elements.
EXTREMELY COMFORTABLE. Crochet all day without pain! The cushioned grips with rubbery feeling, soft but firm handle makes your crocheting an ease. No cramping and aching for aging and tired hands. Perfect set for arthritic hands! See our customers review and feedback.
SMOOTH NEEDLES, ROUNDED & POINTED TIP allows you to get through stitches without effort, no snagging and no splitting of yarn. Easy to handle and and perfect for any type of yarn, and patterns. Deep throat is designed to generously catch the yarn, making crocheting faster and easier.
100% RISK-FREE, MONEY BACK GUARANTEED. We respect our customers more than anything. We don't stop innovating our products, and we listen to our customers' suggestions. Our Attention to detail on every products we make/sell and our attention to customer satisfaction is TOP NOTCH. The reason we have over 800+ 5-Star 100% Positive Feedback from our customers. TRY US and you'll never regret.