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Deal ends Aug 27.
KEEP AN EYE ON KNOCK-OFFS AND COPY-CATS! The Marsians provides 12 month warranty as the Sole Manufacturer. We Will Refund In Full Or Replace The Tealights if there are problems with them. This 12-month Manufacturer Warranty Only Applies To Items Purchased Directly From The Marsians And Not Through Non-Authorized Resellers.
EXTREMELY BUDGETARY 12 BRIGHT WHITE FLICKER CANDLES, 1.4X1.4", & CR2032 BUTTON BATTERIES INCLUDED. The Mars Electric Candles for windows are an absolute beauty; they are easy to operate, safe and hazard free for any setting and they can be turned on with just a button at the bottom. Not only that, but The Mars Store ships them with the CR2032 batteries already included in each and every battery operated candle.
ULTIMATE VISUAL APPEAL - The Flickering Flameless Candles are ideal for decorations. The Mars Tealight Flameless Candle can be used anywhere to achieve a persistent and atmospheric ambience. The Tealight Flameless Candles can be used in decorative votive holders, lotus flowers, lemax village, window boxes, luminaries, placed on dining tables for a romantic dinner, they can be placed on the windowsill for a hearty Christmas decoration.
EACH BOX OF BATTERY OPERATED CANDLES COMES WITH 100 FREE UNSCENTED FAKE ROSE PETALS, 50 pcs pink and 50 pcs red. These fake rose petals can be used for decorative purposes and for further boosting the visual charisma of the flicker candles. Can be used in mason jars, wedding card box, bottle sparklers, candle scone, luminary bags, wall candle holders in wine glasses that can be turned upside down with rose petals inside them for absolutely stunning yet cost effective way to decorate.
SAFE WITH KIDS, PETS, SENIORS - These LED Candle can be used without having to worry of flame.