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✔ Calling device for patlents and the disabled:Since nanny of caregiver can not always stay with patients or the disabled,what to do when they need help espacially during night? They can get timely and considerate care without yelling by just pressing the button.
✔ Calling device for children:Mothers who want to exert independence of their children from a young age will not hesitate because they just need to press the button for help.
✔ Waking up device:It is a very useful calling device for family with parents and children sleeping in separate room.In winter,parents can just press the button without getting dressed and getting up.
✔ Care device for pregnant women or women during month of confinement after giving birth to a child:Both pregnant women or women during month of confinement after giving birth to a child need our considerate care.What shall we do when nanny.confinement-caring woman or family members can not stay with them all the time? Only by pressing the button can meet their demand.
✔ Calling device for the elderly: It is the biggest blessing that our parents are healthy.However,some emergencies are out of our control,such as heart disease,myocardial infarction and stroke,etc.There are many regrets even when children,nanny or caregiver may just in next room when it happens.They can not hear it especially during night when they are sleeping soundly.Once they have this calling device,the elderly can receive timely and effective help in case of emergencies by pressing the alarm button.