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Deal ends Sep 06.
Muddler with grooved nylon head is very suitable for mashing fruits, herbs and spices without leaving residue. It's easier to clean than wood muddler
Mixing Spoon is long enough for taller pitchers, carafes, glass, Twisted part is better for controlling and gripping, designed to spin effortlessly. Easy to clean
Reusable Straws are good of quality, lead free. 8.4" inches long from top to bottom. The Straws are approximately 7.95" inches long from after the bend
Cleaning Brush is great for cleaning straight or bendy style straws and any small area - tight spots, pipes, etc
Package includes:1 muddler, 1 spoon, 1 straight straws ,1 bendy straws, 1 cleaning brush,the glass is not included