• Amazon offers Chalk Color™ Liquid Chalk Marker for $12.97 $9.97.
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  • ARTIST QUALITY - You deserve the highest quality chalk ink and the most durable tips available. This is what you will get when you purchase Chalk Color Liquid Markers today!
  • PICTURE YOURSELF choosing from the 8 bold, bright, vibrant color pens, then the assorted colors flowing effortlessly from the 5mm bullet tips giving you the best balance for smudge proof writing on stickers, as well as for your other arts and crafts.
  • ENVIRONMENT AND ALLERGY FRIENDLY - Best alternative to chalks because they are dust free, odor free, xylene free and non-toxic. These wet chalks are the perfect option for kids and the child who may suffer from allergies and asthma.
  • USE ON - solid blackboards, whiteboards, dry erase, windows, glass, mirrors, kitchen canister labels, paper, stencils, scrapbooking, restaurant menu, and retail advertising displays. Ideal for your home, office, or for educational puposes in the classroom. Your purchase is RISK FREE due to our 60 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.
  • You SHOULD NOT use chalk markers on un-treated, painted surfaces including chalkboard surfaces that are painted onto wood or a particle board backing. Always test your surface with water prior to use.

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