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Deal ends Aug 21.
Turn your smart phone into a 3D device: you can play 3D games and watch 3D movies with this vr glasses; also works with over 300 iOS/Android virtual reality Apps on Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Interesting and amazing experience for any age.
Pupil Distance (PD) and Focal Distance (FD) Adjustable: PD and FD can be adjusted for the best experience, PD range: 55mm - 75mm. The surface of this 3D VR glasses is matte and it also uses a high-definition optical resin lenses.
Easy to Use and Carry: The front cover is adsorbed by magnet and very easy to open, also can make your phone cool while using. Your earphone can be connected through the ventilation holes on both sides.
User-friendly Design: Premium Leather: The material which close to your face is leather, it is soft and non-sweat-absorbent. Ergonomic Head Delt: Triangle elastic band ensures a balanced stress distribution in 3 points on your head (concentrated on the forehead), reducing 30% pressure to your eyes.
Suitable for most phones: Fits for iOS, Android and Windows phones with screen size within 6.0 inch, recommended phone size is 4.0 to 6.0 inch, such as Samsung Galaxy Note 4/Galaxy Note 3/ Galaxy S6 Edge/Galaxy S6/iPhone 6s/iPhone 6/iPhone 6 Plus/iPhone 5c/iPhone 5s/iPhone 5/LG G3/SONY Xperia Z3+/HTC One Max/ Desire 816/One M9/ASUS Zenfone 2 etc.