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THIS COMPLETE FOOD VACUUM SEALING SYSTEM SET INCLUDES 4 WONDERCLICKZ, 4 BAGS, 4 SEALERS, 1 PUMP AND A MANUAL: Tired of throwing away bad food? The WonderClickz will keep your food fresh for up to 5-6 times longer than normal. By removing the air from the bag, your food will stay fresh, taste- and look better. Seal in the flavours and keep out the freezer burn!
THE WONDERCLICKZ ARE EXTREMELY EASY AND SAFE TO USE: Seperate the WonderClickz - Install on any bag of your choice - Seal the bag and start pumping. That is it! It takes no more than 10 seconds. The WonderClickz provides you with crushfree instant seal, and helps protect delicate food like berries, fish, fruits, meat or chicken. Use it for sous vide, freezing- or marinating meat.
NO MORE BULKY AND EXPENSIVE MACHINERY: The WonderClickz are space savers, and do not require any space in your kitchen at all. You can store everything in your kitchen drawers, and use them whenever you want. The WonderClickz are portable, easy to use and do not require any other equipment. No electricity needed. Microwave, dishwasher and freezer safe. Easy to clean.
SAVE MONEY BY USING THE WONDERCLICKZ: The WonderClickz will save you money. No more food throw away. No more freezer-burned meat. Use the WonderClickz for your leftovers, and have nice and fresh lunch the next day. Use them for your kids lunch. No more soggy sandwiches for you or your family. Use the re-usable WonderClickz on any factory bag, ziploc bag or any vacuum bag.
THE PATENTED VACUUM SEALING WONDERCLICKZ SYSTEM FOR EASY FOOD VACUUM: The WonderClickz reaches full deflation of any bag, with a few simple pumps. The WonderClickz system is designed for in-home/portable and easy use, and is perfect for marinating, sous vide, lunch, deep freezing meat or keeping fruits fresh for up to 5-6 times longer.