• Amazon offers Infusion Water Bottle - Create Your Own Naturally Flavored Fruit Infused Water, Juice, Iced Tea, Lemonade & Sparkling Beverage for $9.95 $8.45.
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  • ♥ LEAK-PROOF with OVER 50% DISCOUNTS♥ - NO-SMELL, BPA-FREE AND TRITAN SAFE WATER BOTTLE INFUSERS. The leak-proof technology in our lock lid ensures your fused water stays in the bottle allowing you to take your delicious beverage to anywhere you desire to go while you continue to get NOURISHED and HYDRATED on the go! ******#1 BEST, PREMIUM INFUSER WATER BOTTLE and CANTEEN WATER BOTTLE
  • ♥ AFFORDABLE AND HEALTHY♥ -This infused water bottles provide a healthy alternative to unhealthy soda and aspartame drinks which cause ~~PLAQUE, CAVITY, OVERWEIGHT, BLOOD PRESSURE PROBLEMS~~ and numerous health problems. STOP wasting money on cases of bottled water. Viva Fresh Infusion Water Bottle Are Reusable, Recyclable, and Carbonated Water-Friendly. ~~~ A PERFECT Fruit Infused Water Bottles for the Whole Family~~~
  • ♥ LIFE-TIME GUARANTEE♥ - Our Infuser Water Bottle comes to you with 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed - BE AWARE OF IMITATIONS That Leak! Viva Fresh Fruit-Infused Water Bottle is Unique with a very Thick Translucent Cap, thicker than IMITATIONS. You are either 100% SATISFIED OR YOUR MONEY BACK: NO-HASSLES! Each purchase comes with Free Bonus EBOOK on: FRUIT INFUSED WATER: USES AND NATURAL BENEFITS. Thank You For Buying Viva Fresh Water Infuser Bottle!
  • ♥HIGH QUALITY, SAFE-TRITAN BOTTLE♥ - Our Fruit Infuser Water Bottles are Made of High Quality, Eco-Friendly. This is Your Perfect Travel Tumbler. Very Easy to clean and Top-Rack Dishwasher Safe. It Makes a Great ♥ PERFECT GIFT ♥ for any Occasion such as Birthday, Wedding, Company Events, Mothers' Day, Fathers' Day Gift Ideas, Summer Camp, Family Reunion, Beach Party, Conferences, Mission Trips, Children Gift Packs, Spring Break Trips, Sports And Outdoor Events, etc! [Ask for Deals, Sale and Discount Coupons on Our Water Bottle Fruit Infuser].
  • ♥ MULTI-USE AND VERSATILE♥ -With our Unique Fruit Infused Water Bottle You Can INFUSE FLAVOR OF YOUR FAVORITE FRESH FRUITS TO CREATE DELICIOUS THIRST QUENCHING BEVERAGES: The Easiest and Healthy Way To Hydrate And Detox! - Mix With Mint, Lemon, Lime, Citrus Fruits, Kiwi, Mango, & Strawberries - Excellent Beverage Container For The Kitchen, Gym, Yoga Class, Hiking, Camping, Office, and Traveling~~ BEST Alternative To Soda, Juice, Sports Drinks! Premium CANTEEN WATER BOTTLE and Water bottle With Fruit Infuser for runners.

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