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Deal ends Aug 15.
Special design of shaving head and fast blade rotation for easy, quick and safe removal of pills, lint and fuzz from all types of garment, such as fleece, sweaters, cushions, upholstery, and couches etc.
Large blade surface covers a larger area of fabric,reducing shaving time and removing pills/lint effectively.Large blade surface covers a larger area of fabric,reducing shaving time and removing pills/lint effectively.There is a cover on blade so no safe hazard.
3 difference sizes of holes in mesh cap helps different sizes of pills/lint effectively drawn to the pill container and removed from the fabric.
Easy to use & clean: Just turn it on and gently glide the shaver over the area with pills.The detachable pill container is easy to remove and empty.The cleaning brush is provided to clean your shaver after use.
Voltage: 110V-220V.Dimension: 5.55 x 2.4 x 2.8 Inch.Extension cord Length: 55 inches,The shaver itself is not rechargeable.