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READ THE REVIEWS! - These long fitness bands get glowing reviews from all customers that use them. At URBNFit we pride ourselves in having only the best products and customer service so you can have peace of mind buying from us... So stop searching!
HIGHEST QUALITY MATERIAL USED - Each flat stretch band is made of ultra-durable latex rubber that will not break or weaken over time. We guarantee its durability or your money back. No questions asked!
HOME GYM USE OR REHABILITATION - People use exercise bands for exercise videos, increasing strength, flexibility and rehabbing after an injury. Use them for Pilates, Yoga, or one of the many exercise videos you can download online. Exercise bands are portable and lightweight for travel too!
3 LEVELS OF RESISTANCE BANDS W/ INCLUDED DOOR ANCHOR- Each resistance band is 5 feet long and wider than most bands on Amazon. As your strength improves, use the thicker harder band. Then double them up for even more resistance. Use the included door anchor for more exercises.
ON SALE NOW! - Get this amazingly high quality exercise band set today and start improving your strength and abilities tomorrow.