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Deal ends Aug 21.
ENERGY-EFFICIENT: This LuminWiz 14W LED Ceiling Light is highly energy efficient to replace the 100W halogen downlight, saving your electricity bill. Extremely long lifespan of 25000 hours.
EASY INSTALLATION: The Retrofit LED Recessed Lighting Fixture comes with E26 base adapter, fitting in both 5 and 6 inch LED housing cans. It can be easily installed without any tool. Measure the diameter of the can inside the housing before you buy it.
DIMMABLE: Fully dimmable just like a halogen bulb and is perfect for general room lighting and lights. It works with most of dimmers but to ensure flicker free dimming, please choose the right dimmer.
MULTIPURPOSE RECESSED LIGHTING FXITURE: This 2700K LED dimmable light bulb is ideal for using in corridor, living rooms and dining rooms in your track light or recessed fixtures. Ideal for recessed lighting applications.
QUALITY GUARANTEED: UL Listed, FFC, RoHS certificated, free of Mercury, no UV, no flicker, no CFL warm up time. A quality guaranteed Retrofit Lighting Fixture.Our Customer Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee:If you are not satisfied with the Recessed LED Lighting just return them within 30 days for a full refund. No questions asked, no hassle.