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Deal ends Aug 17.
Designed with touch sensor, auto-cycling mode of the lamp can be activated with 256 stunning colors for an attractive lighting experience. What's more, light colors can be set with your own desire.
360˚ touch sensitive control base made with aluminum alloy, which makes the atmosphere lamp much easier and more convenient to control the lighting colors. All you have to do is a gentle press.
3-Level Brightness. The lamp can light up with white light for normal usage. And you can choose the most suitable brightness to satisfy your need.
Long Lifespan and Space Saving. Aglaia bedside lamp is eco-friendly and low energy-consuming. It can last 20,000 hours. Its minimalist design (9" tall) with a compact body saves much more space.
Package Contents: 1 x Aglaia LT-AL1 LED Bedside Lamp, 1 x AC Adapter, 1 x User Manual