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Compact and Powerful Flashlights with Reflectors Kit- Supports 3 lighting modes: high, low and strobe. Easy to use with adjustable length and flexible mounting holder.█FLASH SALE:Buy 2 would 10% off with promo code "2GT5T4SG"
IPX5 Waterproof Bicycle Headlight - Best for outdoor activities like camping, hiking and riding, Great emergency light.
Adjustable Bike Light - Easily manual adjustment focus that will provide how large or small the beam light is, the smaller range is more brighter the wide range will give enough brightness.
Free Tail Light - please remove the protecting plastic barrier inside the battery slot during the actual installation, then it can be used.
Bike Led Light Battery - you can use 3 x AAA Battery or 18650 battery for the flashlight. When you use 3 x AAA Battery, don't install the portable 23mm cartridge; when you use the 18650 battery, you must install the portable 23mm cartridge. Fast delivery, friendly customer service with 1 year warranty.