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Deal ends Aug 19.
Polyester fiber
Larger size and container: Size: 24 x 18.8 x 7.6 cm(9.5"W x 7.4"H x 3"D). Multiple pockets (with small, medium, large, and long pockets) can fit all of your travel wants and needs, make everything easy to find! The capacity is absolutely 30% larger than the normal one in the market.
Premium Quality: Mainly made of high quality Polyester fiber, PVC backing, strong hanging hook, best zipper and highest-standard workmanship. Thick cotton inside to prevent impact.
Special Designed: 2 sides ZIPPERED compartment and special designed hanging hook make it easy to put and find.
Save the maximum space: Light-weight, portable, foldable, easy to storage. When it's empty, you can fold very thinly and save space.
Water-resistant and odor-free: No need to concern about the penetration of moisture. Easy to keep clean and fast dry. Mesh pocket can get rid of hot toiletry breather freely, to prevent growth of bacteria.