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Deal ends Aug 23.
✔ CUTTING EDGE- latest, tech-enabled dog training collar that gets your perfect results each time. Features a high-level LCD display, and a rechargeable and rainproof receiver for all-season use
✔ REMOTE CONTROL- equipped with a strong-field remote control that works over long distances (330 yards and beyond). 4 Inbuilt modes for static shock, vibration, beeping and light.
✔ EFFECTIVE & CONVENIENT- get a practical bark collar that's both efficient and convenient. The easy-to-read backlight LCD displays the stimulation level while thousands of identity codes prevent conflicts with other similar and competing collars.
✔ EASY TO USE- easiest to use bark collar on the market that operates on a simple but advanced electronic premise. Provides dozens of shock levels and vibrations through a friendly digital remote operation.
✔ FREE LEATHER COLLAR- equipped with a free leather collar as a special bonus. Get a training tool that realizes a high degree of efficiency, train your animal with some love, and save money on the long-run.