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Deal ends Aug 23.
Integrated voice recorder, MP3, walkman as a whole.It is a discreet and small device with sleek design, yet powerful voice recorder device.
Portable and practical, the Voice Recorder can be taken anywhere to record audio from meetings, conversations,and other situations where an unobtrusive way of recording audio is needed
It supports HQ and SP recording modes, and features an in-built HQ microphone, an ideal display, an operation indicator, and high quality playback speakers.
USB sound recorder into computer USB port and a folder of recorded WAV files appears immediately. Play back on Windows Media Player or Free VLC player. Super simple one step plug and play access to files. No software to install. Eliminates complicated transfer of files across devices
Easy to use even for a beginner, one-press record/ save/ pause/ stop/ play, one-press to switch between recorder and MP3 player