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Deal ends Aug 23.
Advantage of Syllable D900S Bluetooth headphones: State of Art Headphone Design, Virtually wireless, Set yourself free from all cables, enjoy your favorite music under most relaxing conditions while workout, running, walking and more.
Featuring latest Noise Cancelling technology, Maximize Noise reduction, Two power Audio driver delivery crystal clear sounds and deep bass.
Ergonomics Design for most comfortable wear; Ultra lightweight, less than 0.3oz, providing most comfortable listening experience. Battery last up to 5 hours, Comes with wireless charging Box able to charge it up to 6 times, allows you to enjoy music up to 30 hours with the little charging box.
Built in CSR 8670 Bluetooth chip to ensure superb CD-like sound quality and stable signal, easy and fast paring with distance up to 35 feet.
Compatible with Most of the Bluetooth enabled devices, work with your iPhone, iPad, MacBook, Android Smartphones, tablets, chrome Books, Windows Laptops, desktops, Bluetooth Speakers and more. 1 year Warranty provided for Syllable Bluetooth Headphone.