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Deal ends Sep 03.
GARLIC PRESS STAINLESS STEEL-Our Fivebop Garlic Press is made from 100% stainless steel. It won't rust, and won't break!
DESIGNED TO PRESS GARLIC WITH LITTLE EFFORT - With this high quality garlic press, you'll be delighted at how easily, how effortlessly you will make perfectly minced garlic.
EASY TO CLEAN & DURABLE- Rinse it under your faucet, and you're done! It is dishwasher safe as well.
REMOVES ANY GARLIC ODOR FROM YOUR HANDS - By rubbing the stainless steel press while washing, gentle on your hands.
GREAT FOR COOKING - With your Garlic Press you can easily mince a whole garlic clove and add it to all dishes like quinoa, shrimp,Papa Johns Garlic Sauce.It's a great cooking helper.